"Superman" Clip Parade at FilmForce!

by | June 16, 2006 | Comments

This seems like a little too much of a good thing (speaking only for myself), as I aim to walk into "Superman Returns" knowing as little as possible (fat chance, I know), but if you simply can’t wait for the main feature, head on over to the trailers page and bask in the glow of 11 (!) new clips from Kal-El’s newest adventure.

From IGNFF: "These clips give you a more extensive look into the film, such as some great lines from Kevin Spacey as Lex Luthor as well as a look at the dynamic between Lois and Clark. The clips also offer a little sneak into a few of the film’s very cool action sequences that should undoubtedly wet your appetites for June 28!"

The site also has tons of photos from the flick, including one that’s all-new and exclusive-like. Click here for the goods!