Stern's Porky's Project Gets the Green Light?

Have you seen this remake? Report immediately to Beula Balbricker.

by | August 15, 2007 | Comments

Much light has been made of his seeming inability to make good on that whole “King of All Media” thing, but if a recent item at Slashfilm is to be believed, radio kingpin Howard Stern will soon be making good on at least one of the film projects he announced five years ago. Fans of ribald humor and gratuitous nudity, take heed!

Back in 2002, Stern announced he was producing remakes of Porky’s and Rock ‘N’ Roll High School under the “Howard Stern Presents” banner, but both projects seemed to disappear into a development black hole, and most people assumed they’d been put out to pasture. According to Stern, however, Porky’s is good to go, and it was just a matter of finding the right script. From the Slashfilm article:

“We got two scripts that were developed simultaneously kind of. One’s a rewrite of a rewrite of a script that we did — that I didn’t do, but I was sort of in on. It’s coming along pretty funny,” said Stern. “We’re going to combo them now because there’s funny jokes in both and you have to figure out which is better for the movie.”

The article doesn’t mention a distributor for the film, and Stern says no director is yet attached, but as Slashfilm points out, the last few years have seen a resurgence of R-rated comedies at the box office, and a Porky’s remake would fit right in.

Source: Slashfilm