Stallone Prepping Cliffhanger 2?

Brought to you by the Department of Things Which Cannot Possibly Be True.

by | February 19, 2008 | Comments

He’s already resurrected two of his most successful film properties with Rocky Balboa and Rambo — could Sylvester Stallone be contemplating a third?

That’s the gist of a report from PR-Inside, where they’re claiming that Stallone is “in negotiations” with Sony to film a sequel to 1993’s Cliffhanger. Supposedly titled The Dam, the new film would find Sly reprising the role of rock climber Gabe Walker, the carabiner-wielding hero who squared off against the maniacal John Lithgow over $100 million in stolen money. Or something. We don’t really remember, exactly; we only know that Janine Turner was involved, and that was not a bad thing.

Cliffhanger took home a respectable 77 percent on the Tomatometer, but the number of people looking for a sequel at this point have to number in the low teens; the most common reaction to the project, should it come to pass, will likely be along the lines of Slashfilm‘s succinctly negative “this is a bad move.” Then again, Stallone has demonstrated an ability to make even the silliest-sounding sequel worth watching, so who knows?

Source: PR-Inside
Source: Slashfilm