"Spider-Man 3" Trailer Analysis

by | June 26, 2006 | Comments

Now, where "Spider-Man 3" is concerned, I’m as psyched as the next guy, seriously. But there’s just something inherently silly about a "trailer breakdown" that has me scratching my head. If, however, you simply can’t wait for "Superman Returns" to see the all-new "SM3" trailer, then I know of one website that doesn’t mind reviewing trailers.

Check out AICN for the trailer deconstruction, which includes passages like this one:

0-0:24 Closeup of red suit

siver lettering – "How Long"

0:25 "Can Any Man"

"Fight The Darkness…"
0:30 Black Goo oozing up over the suit.

"Before He Finds It"

Great, someone found a way to spoil even the trailers now.