Soderbergh's "The Good German" ... Isn't?

by | November 28, 2006 | Comments

At a recent DGA screening of Steven Soderbergh‘s "The Good German," the post-movie reactions were … not kind. Hostile, even, some might say. (I still wanna see it.)

From THR’s Risky Biz Blog: "New Yorkers are a tough crowd — at least when it comes to Steven Soderbergh’s latest picture. The director got the Bronx cheer at a DGA New York screening of "The Good German" followed by a Q&A Saturday night. … The negative reaction seemed to stem from the film’s emulative stylization and the uneven acting. … I sat near a guy who guffawed, sucked his teeth and said "Oh, puhleeze!" loudly enough that everyone in the auditorium could hear him."

Click here for the full blog entry, and feel free to visit Cinematical for some more thoughts on the story. Me, I love the old-school noir stuff, so I’m still pretty psyched to see "The Good German," which stars George Clooney, Cate Blanchett, and Tobey Maguire. (Plus, Soderbergh’s been known to divide an audience or two in his time, so why should this movie be any different??)

Find out for yourself on December 15th (limited) and 22nd (wide).