Rumblings on a "Fantastic Four 2" Teaser ... and Another Sequel?

by | December 19, 2006 | Comments

Well, we all knew there’d probably be a "Fantastic Four 3" eventually, but I was expecting the second one to hit the screens (and not stink like the first one did) before all the Part 3 buzz got rolling. But nope, it seems that Kerry Washington might know a little something…

From a exclusive: ""I like being a part of the franchise. I like the people I work with in that franchise. It would be great and fun and wonderful if I could do even more on the third one."

Ah, so they are already talking about doing a third movie in the series? "Not definitely, but probably," she said smiling, probably at the thought of having to answer more fanboy questions about the franchise for the next few years."

Click here
for the full article, and also be sure to visit DarkHorizons if you’re a big Fantastic freak, cuz that’s where you’ll hear a little news about next week’s sequel teaser. OK, here’s a taste: "As it currently stands the trailer will hit cinemas with "Night at the Museum" on Friday, the same day it will make its television premiere during Entertainment Tonight at 4pm (Pacific). An hour later is expected to post it online."

Cool. Can’t believe I’m actually saying this … but I’m actually starting to look forward to "Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer."