RT's Headed to Sundance 2007! And You're Coming With Us!

by | January 17, 2007 | Comments

That’s right, folks. It’s time again to send our fearless editors to brave the sub-zero conditions and monstrous lines (and awesome flicks and crazy parties!) of the Sundance Film Festival!

We’re off again to face the chill in snowy Park City, Utah to bring you a slice of life from the 2007 Sundance Film Festival — the place where indie filmmakers, studio execs, and movie buffs alike converge to take in the best that independent cinema has to offer! Sundance is where many films first start getting noticed, so we’ll have our ears to the ground to let you know which flicks are getting the loudest buzz. And if we must hit up every party in town to do so, so be it.

Last year at Sundance — like a tropical island compared to this year’s weather

Your friendly neighborhood festival-hoppers Jen, Tim and Senh might go from Rotten Tomatoes to Frozen Tomatoes very quickly (Do we Californians have any idea what zero degrees Fahrenheit feels like?? No.) but rest assured, we’ll capture every frostbitten moment for you on camera.

Of course, the reason that we Fundance at all is for the movies — from super indie to celeb-driven, the flicks at Sundance always surprise and delight. This year promises a lot of variety: docs political ("Ghosts of Abu Ghraib") and curious (the equine-lovin’ "Zoo"), dramas worldy (the based-in-truth "Ghosts") and sensational (Dakota Fanning in "Hounddog").

"Ghosts of Abu Ghraib," "Ghosts," "Hounddog"

And then there are the premieres! We’ll see the debuts of star-studded films like the John Lennon assassination psychodrama "Chapter 27" (starring Jared Leto and Lindsay Lohan); Southern gothic blues-tale "Black Snake Moan" (starring Christina Ricci, Samuel L. Jackson, and Justin Timberlake); and 1960s true horror story "An American Crime" (with Catherine Keener and Ellen Page). Click here for all of the Premieres.

"Chapter 27," "Black Snake Moan," "An American Crime"

We’ll even wade through the Uggs-infested streets at night to bring you snapshots and blogs of the Sundance nightlife!

So check back daily for news, reviews, interviews, sightings, parties, and photos from Sundance 2007!