Madsen, Roth, Murphy, and Sandler to Become "Bastards"?

by | May 24, 2005 | Comments

The always-reliable FilmFocus had an informative little chat with Mr. Michael Madsen during the UK premiere of "Sin City," and the gravel-voiced character actor dished some pretty exciting news about Quentin Tarantino‘s perpetually upcoming action flick "Inglorious Bastards." Here’s what the actor had to say: "Quentin’s written it now … but we’ve not started shooting yet. I’ve read it and you know the Dirty Dozen? It’s a bit like that."

As far as who a few of his co-stars might be, Madsen offered the following: "It’s going to be myself and Tim RothAdam Sandler and Eddie Murphy are in it too." The actor assures FilmFocus’ Joe Utichi that the film should begin production before the end of the year. Keep your fingers crossed and check out the FF article for the rest of the scoop.