Lions Gate Looking for a Buyer?

by | November 22, 2004 | Comments

Lions Gate, the indie studio behind the recently released "Saw," "Fahrenheit 9/11," and "Dogville," may be putting itself up for sale. The New York Post has learned that the Vancouver-based film studio has told Citigroup that it is open to hear offers from interested buyers. The Post observes that this may be a tough sale, though, since Lions Gate’s stock is flying high in the stock market right now, making the company pretty expensive for potential buyers. Another factor that may also deter potential buyers is Lions Gate’s film library. Although it has rights to 8,000 films, the rights to many of them "will eventually expire," reports The Post. Lions Gate’s December film slate includes "I Am David," "Beyond the Sea," "The Keys to the House," and "A Love Song for Bobby Long."