Lead and Supporting Actor in a Comedy Series: Critics' Picks

Jim Parsons and Andre Braugher have a good shot.

by | August 20, 2014 | Comments

Andre Braugher is a clear favorite among critics to take the Emmy this year for Supporting Actor in a Comedy Series. But can anyone beat Jim Parsons? Fourteen of Rotten Tomatoes esteemed critics weigh in with their Emmy predictions for the comedy nominees this year.

William H. Macy is so amazing on that show and he had a particularly good season. I think he should win and there’s the possibility that he will win. Matthew Gilbert, Boston Globe

Parsons is good, the show’s growing in popularity, and they’ve given it to him three times, so why not do it again? Personally, I would love to see someone like William H. Macy win it.

Lori Rackl, Chicago Sun-Times

He just wins all the time, so I’m just used to him winning. He’s really funny, but that seems to be the thing that everybody does now — vote for Jim Parsons.Betsy Bozdech, Common Sense Media

Jim Parsons is really funny. He’s won before and I think he’s going to win again because I don’t think there’s a clear-cut person in the category.Alan Sepinwall, HitFix

I think Louis C.K. is going to get this one. It’s got a decent shot at overall series, but I don’t think it will make the cut. So I think they’ll reward Louis C.K. for that show as an actor this year. His biggest competition is Jim Parsons, and he’s won a bunch. And frankly, I just don’t want him to win anymore, so let’s hope for Louis C.K.Ben Travers, IndieWire

It might go to Macy. None of these are super, super strong and/or breakout enough, but Macy’s great. Drew Grant, New York Observer

I think Jim Parsons is going to win by default.Todd VanDerWerff, Vox Media

I would pick Louis C.K. because I think he does a great job and his role is more unique than all these other ones, but I think Jim’s going to be hard to beat.Eric Deggans, NPR

Louis C.K. because he does so much for that show — he writes, he directs, he performs. You can feel the passion for what he does.Bonnie Stiernberg, Paste Magazine

My personal pick would be Louie, just because no one is doing anything else like that on TV. But I think, purely by default, it’s going to be Parsons again, sadly.Brian Tallerico, RogerEbert.com

Even though he’s writing it and producing it, he’s the one who’s got to deliver it and make us care. He should be honored for his writing as well as the way he delivers those lines week in and week out. Kristian Harloff, Schmoes Know

They may feel that the beloved Ricky Gervais’s prickly humanism is a preferable and natural alternative to Parsons’s toothless amiability.Ed Gonzalez, Slant Magazine

He keeps winning and I don’t know if any of the others are strong enough to beat him.Michelle Stark, Tampa Bay Times

More Emmy Predictions:

Andre Braugher is a clear favorite among critics to take the Emmy this year for Supporting Actor in a Comedy Series. But can anyone beat Jim Parsons? Thirteen of Rotten Tomatoes esteemed critics weigh in with their Emmy predictions for the comedy nominees this year.

Andre Braugher, possibly the most acclaimed nominee, [could] squeak his way to what will be described on Tuesday morning by everyone who never saw Homicide and Thief as a surprise victory.Ed Gonzalez, Slant Magazine

Andre Braugher. 100 percent. They love Braugher. They’ve nominated him multiple times in the past, he’s a great actor, they love when people switch genres… so the fact that someone they’ve awarded in the past for drama is now in comedy is really enticing.Brian Tallerico, RogerEbert.com

Emmy loves Andre Braugher. He gets nominated when no one else from his series gets nominated. But just to be an iconoclast, I’m going to pick Fred Armisen. Eric Deggans, NPR

He’s doing something different in this show, which is a fave with people. David Hinckley, New York Daily News

He’s so funny in Brooklyn Nine-Nine and it’s great to see him in a sitcom environment. I never thought he could be funny after seeing him in Homicide and he’s hysterical.Matthew Gilbert, Boston Globe

I’d love to see Tony Hale win. I know he won last year, and they put on a skit that, honestly, couldn’t be topped. But if Andre Braugher wins for Brooklyn Nine-Nine, I’m not going to be too upset. I think he’s the safe bet.Ben Travers, IndieWire

It would be cool that Andre Braugher would have an Emmy for drama acting, miniseries acting, and comedy acting as he’s just so great on Brooklyn Nine-Nine. But the safe money’s on Hale.Alan Sepinwall, HitFix

It’s probably going to go to Andre Braugher, but I’d go with Adam Driver. I’m a huge Girls fan.Drew Grant, New York Observer

People are just loving that show more and more and he’s been so good on it.Michelle Stark, Tampa Bay Times

The Emmys love Andre Braugher and he’s really redefined his image with this role. You couldn’t imagine him doing the laugh-out-loud stuff he does here, but he does it with aplomb. Todd VanDerWerff, Vox Media

His character is just so funny. Bonnie Stiernberg, Paste Magazine

This one deservedly should go to Tony Hale, a repeat for him, for Veep. He’s so fantastic as Selina’s sycophantic personal aid in that show.Lori Rackl, Chicago Sun-Times

What he’s able to do with his very dry humor, the looks, the faces — he’s a scene-stealer. You’re always aware when he’s there, and you’re laughing at his self-deprecation because he’s so aware that he’s such a mess.Kristian Harloff, Schmoes Know

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