Indiana Jones Goes to Yale

by | May 16, 2007 | Comments

Looks like Steven Spielberg, Harrison Ford, and the whole "Indiana Jones 4" crew will be taking over part of New Haven, Connecticut, come late June. So if you’re a big Indy geek and you live in New England…

…be sure to stop in for a visit. I’m sure they’ll love having thousands of movie geeks watching their every move. (If only I lived a little further North.)

Apparently there will be some sort of chase scene filmed in New Haven, and it’ll take place not far from Yale University. Local store owners have been approached by pre-production staff, most of whom come bearing checks. Crew members looking for a distinctly "1950s" look were probably quite pleased with New Haven’s old-fashioned storefronts and whatnot.

I’m just psyched to know they’ll be in production by late June.

Source: New Haven Register