Hurt To Play Costner's Evil Twin In "Mr. Brooks"

by | March 16, 2006 | Comments

William Hurt, whose role as a crime boss in David Cronenberg‘s "A History of Violence" nabbed him an Oscar nomination, joins the cast of MGM’s psychological thriller "Mr. Brooks" as the evil alter ego of Kevin Costner‘s character.

Bruce A. Evans will direct from a script he co-wrote with Raynold Gideon; Evans and Gideon have been a screenwriting team since 1979’s "A Man, A Woman and a Bank" and have also co-written "Starman," "Stand By Me," "Kuffs" (Evans’ other directing credit), "Cutthroat Island," and "Jungle 2 Jungle."

From the Hollywood Reporter: "Costner will play Brooks, a tortured man who tries to be disciplined and remain in control. Hurt will play Costner’s alter ego, the evil part of Brooks that loves murder and mayhem.

Evans wrote the script with Raynold Gideon. Costner is producing via his Tig Prods. with Jim Wilson and Gideon.

An April shoot in Louisiana is being eyed."