Help Solve the Joker's Dark Knight Puzzle!

Slashfilm lays out the clues.

by | October 31, 2007 | Comments

The Dark Knight‘s viral campaign is heating up over at, where the filmmakers have left a whopper of a puzzle for fans to solve. Fortunately, the tireless Peter Sciretta of Slashfilm has compiled a list of clues for TDK sleuths.

If you haven’t been keeping tabs on WhySoSerious, you haven’t missed a whole lot; up ’til now, all you had to look at was a picture of a rotting jack-o-lantern. As of this morning, however, visitors have been treated to a game set up by the Joker, who has left behind the following note:

Hey, clowns!

Ready to do what you’re told?

First, don’t start before daylight. With a police force this corrupt, it’s not safe to be out at night, and anyway, you won’t be able to see the things you want to find.

Follow all of my directions to the letter and send photos of what you find.

I’ll make it worth your while, I promise — for what that’s worth…

So that’s the setup. Slashfilm makes things a bit easier, laying out the rules below:

There are 49 clues for 21 cities around the United States. I’ve compiled all the clues together so that people in each of these cities can have quick and easy access to them. As of 1:30am eastern time on Halloween morning, there is no way to “send photos of what you find.” I’m guessing that some input device will be unlocked once “daylight” hits. I’m assume that each location will feature a letter, and put all together, a message will appear. I could be wrong.

We’re watching the sun come up as we write this, so we can vouch for daylight’s arrival…and now it’s your turn, TDK nation, to hit the streets of 21 American towns, follow the clues, and take pictures of what you see. Follow the links below!

Source: Slashfilm
Source: WhySoSerious