Goyer Flashes for WB

by | December 17, 2004 | Comments

Variety delivers what feels like a daily dose of comic book news when they inform us of David Goyer‘s next project. Fresh off of all three "Blade" movies and next year’s "Batman Begins," Mr. Goyer will write, produce and direct (but not star in) "The Flash" for Warner Bros. "The Flash" springs from the DC side of the comic book universe, the one that offers Superman and Batman over Marvel’s Spider-Man and The Hulk, and once inspired a short-lived cult classic TV series from a few years back. The Flash, basically, can run really fast. Like around-the-world-in-a-few-seconds kinda fast. Goyer seems psyched: ""’Flash’ is my favorite of the properties…I think the character of the Flash, who moves faster than the speed of light, opens itself up to rich cinematic and story ideas." The fiilmmaker also hopes to bring Marvel’s "Thor" hero to life, but hey…The Flash got there first.