George Clooney Digs "Pet Sematary"?

by | August 2, 2006 | Comments

Now here’s a piece of news that’s pretty cool, if only because I love horror movies and I’ve always dug George Clooney. Seems the movie star has been tagged to star in Paramount’s remake of "Pet Sematary," which (of course) is based on the Stephen King novel of the same (misspelled) name.

From the amazing horror geeks at "We’ve scored one hell of a juicy little morsel of news this afternoon and have 100% confirmed it as true… George Clooney, the bad ass mofo from Dusk Till Dawn, will in in talks to play a role in Paramount Pictures’ remake of Stephen King’s Pet Sematary!"

Click here for the rest of the report, which also mentions that the new screenplay comes from by Dave Kajganich, Mike Werb, and Michael Colleary.

Now give us a solid director and we’ll be getting somewhere. (Hey wait, George Clooney’s a movie director, too!)

And if they take the PG-13 route on this remake, I’ll probably flip.