Foster a Vampire Groupie for "30 Days of Night"

by | December 27, 2006 | Comments

After playing troubled, goth-influenced teens in projects like "Six Feet Under" and "Hostage," it’s about time Ben Foster just went right to the vampires. In the graphic novel adaptation "30 Days of Night," he gets close.

"I’m not a vampire," he said. "I really want to be turned. Like a foot soldier fanatic, a foot soldier who wishes for immortality and dismantles a town for them."

With a character named only The Stranger, Foster just wanted to find any role in the film. "David Slade is a friend of mine and he directed "Hard Candy," which is just a fantastic independent. And I had been a fan of the graphic novel previously so he just said, ‘Well, I want you in this movie. I don’t know where.’ I said, ‘Well, that’s cool.’ I’ve got a bit of a vampire fetish."

Though he doesn’t vamp out himself, Foster saw some of the vampire footage and was impressed. "He showed me some footage that he did of the vampires and I had never seen anything quite like it. It’s really remarkable and different and maintains the authenticity and respect to the original material. But I just came in and a full makeup job and became this Cajun drifter, basically a modern Renfield so it was just a fun month of work."