First Shots from Takashi Miike's Sukiyaki Western: Django

Tarantino in a poncho!

by | September 4, 2007 | Comments

Takashi Miike‘s Sukiyaki Western: Django is in post-production — and CinEmpire has no fewer than 16 promotional stills!

For those who might not be up on current Japanese film projects, Sukiyaki Western: Django is a remake of Sergio Corbucci‘s influential 1966 Western, Django, which starred Franco Nero as a guy you don’t want to mess with; in an interesting twist, Miike’s update, though filmed in Japan, apparently relies on English dialogue. This must have come in handy for one of Miike’s stars — a young, up-and-coming American filmmaker named Quentin Tarantino. Maybe you’ve heard of him?

To see pictures of Tarantino and his co-stars in action, head over to the link below!

Source: CinEmpire