Doug Jones Talks "Hellboy" Sequels

by | April 11, 2006 | Comments had a few words with Doug Jones, the actor who plays Hellboy‘s best pal, Abe Sapien, and the guy had a few vague-yet-juicy tidbits for those who can’t wait to see Hellboy 2. Like me.

"Doug reveals that while shooting Pan’s Labyrinth in Spain , (Guillermo) Del Toro stated that Abe will indeed have more screen time and that this time he gets a chance to fight some baddies. He admits that he has not yet read the script but that Guillermo promises that Abe will be on an equal playing level with Hellboy.

Doug throws out a cautionary quip regarding Abe. Guillermo told him fans may be angry with what he plans to do to our favorite amphibian although Doug says he has no idea what that might be. He quickly asked Del Toro if he planned on Hellboy 3. Guillermo said yes. Jones said good, he just wanted to make sure."

Full article here.