Disney Signs On with "John Carter of Mars"

by | January 17, 2007 | Comments

Not too long ago Jon Favreau was this close to directing "John Carter of Mars" for Paramount Pictures, but the studio let their option on the property lapse — and we pretty much thought the project was full-bore comatose. But now it looks like Disney wants the material!

Based on the 11-chapter series by Edgar Rice Burroughs, "Carter" focuses on, well, I’ll let Variety describe the plot for you: "Pic begins with a Civil War veteran whose retreat into a cave to avoid capture by Apache Indians takes an otherworldly turn as he’s transported via time portal to the planet of Barsoom and taken prisoner by 12-foot-tall green men." Neato!

And based on what I’ve heard from other people about the series, they’d make for some really fantastic movies. Obviously Disney is thinking full-on franchise for this property. The studio hasn’t closed the deal just yet with the Burroughs estate, but that seems to be just a technicality at this point.

So for those who are familiar with the series, I have a question: Who should direct it, and who should star? Me, I may just go dig up the first book or two…

(Special note: I used a pic of "John Carpenter’s Ghosts of Mars" because it’s the closest thing we have to "John Carter of Mars." Check back in a year or two for the actual poster.)