Following the enormous success of "Batman Begins," director Christopher Nolan has become a bona-fide workaholic! His new film, the fantastic-looking "The Prestige," is due in a few months, plus he’s about to get to work on "The Dark Knight," and after that he’ll be adaptating the cult classic TV series "The Prisoner" for the big screen.
From Variety: "Universal Pictures is near a deal for Christopher Nolan to direct a feature version of TV series classic "The Prisoner."
Series lasted only 17 episodes in 1967. Patrick McGoohan played a government agent who resigns, is kidnapped and placed on an isolated island known as the Village. He’s given a new identity — Number Six — and interacts with an island staff trying to get him to reveal why he resigned."
Sounds like a pretty cool take on the old cult series, mainly because Nolan is involved, but also because the screenplay adaptation comes from David & Janet Peoples, the husband & wife writing team who last collaborated to bring us "12 Monkeys" — and that movie’s just awesome.