Chow Gets on Board a "Hard Boiled" Remake?

by | March 16, 2006 | Comments shares some news from Kaiju Shakedown, and it seems that Chow-Yun Fat has signed on to star in a remake of his John Woo‘s well-admired "Hard Boiled."

"Johnnie To will be directing Chow Yun-fat in the Hollywood remake of John Woo’s HARD BOILED.

Apparently, the remake rights have been purchased by a US company who signed Chow on to repeat his performance. They then tried to get John Woo on board to direct, but Woo declined saying that he didn’t want to remake his own movie. Chow then recommended that they contact Johnny To who agreed to direct."

Early word is that an American actor will be hired to play the Tony Leung role.