Bridges Shaves Head for "Iron Man" Role, Surfaces at Photo Op

by | March 15, 2007 | Comments broke the news that Jeff Bridges would be starring as Tony Stark’s nemesis, Obadiah Stane, in next year’s "Iron Man" — now they’ve got pictures of the actor, freshly-shorn pate and all, gearing up to make life miserable for ol’ Shellhead in what’s shaping up to be arguably the most eagerly anticipated comic-book adaptation ever.

Bridges’ addition to the cast — which already included Robert Downey Jr., Gwyneth Paltrow, and Terrence Howard — only heightened expectations for director Jon Favreau’s armor-clad adaptation. "Iron Man" takes its inspiration, in part, from a storyline arc in the long-running comic book in which Stane wrests control of Stark’s company from him, then uses Stark’s technology to devise a suit of armor for himself; calling himself Iron Monger, he wreaks havoc until drawn into the inevitable climactic showdown with an ascendant Iron Man.

"Iron Man" is scheduled to reach theaters on May 2, 2008.

Source: IESB