Abe Sapien Gets Some Action in "Hellboy 2"

by | December 21, 2006 | Comments

Doug Jones will only get a few months of rest out of makeup after wrapping "Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer." Guillermo Del Toro wants him back as Abe Sapien in "Hellboy 2."

"I’m told that Abe is on a more equal playing level of Hellboy this time," said Jones. "He’s got way more storyline, he has his hands on the bad guys and he might have a love interest. Not sure, but he might. So there’s a lot to look forward to."

Jones has not read the script yet because technically, he’s not signed for the film. "I’m currently in negotiations now with my own personal contract so I can’t say it’s a done deal yet but I’m very hopeful that we’ll come to terms. When that happens, I have a script waiting for me at home right now. I’ve been up in Vancouver. I just got home this morning. I did a night shoot last night, I was wrapped for the picture, good night, bye, that’s it for Doug and I got on a plane to come talk to y’all. I haven’t been to bed yet. That’s why I’m talking crazy talk."