A Pair of "Dark Knight" Tidbits

by | February 22, 2007 | Comments

We haven’t had much "Dark Knight" news since Aaron Eckhart was named as Two-Face … about three days ago. But today we have two little news niblets, one regarding the arrival of a character that some of you might know — and the other one dealing with the start of production.

#1. Apparently the character of "Renee Montoya" will appear in the "Batman Begins" sequel. Apparently she was in the comic books.

#2. Looks like April is when production on "The Dark Knight" will begin. Which is good because the movie’s set to hit theaters next summer. And there’s lots of post-production work on movies like these. Obviously.

Bonus and still unconfirmed rumor: Maggie Gyllenhaal in with Katie Holmes out? We shall see.

Sources: Filmick, Comic Book Resources, IGN Movies, L.A. Daily News