
8 Huge Questions About Game of Thrones Season 8

Can we have some more, please?

by | August 30, 2017 | Comments


Arya and Sansa, Game of Thrones, season 7, episode 7 (Courtesy of HBO)

(Photo by Courtesy of HBO)

After shaking off the shock of that epic Game of Thrones’ season 7 finale, “The Dragon and the Wolf,” we were left with questions, naturally.

Spoiler warning: Stop here if you haven’t watched season 7, episode 7 of Game of Thrones

Here are eight reasons we can’t wait for season 8:

1. Now that Bran proved he doesn’t see everything — “Jon Sand” — how helpful is he really?

Isaac Hempstead-Wright as Bran Stark in Game of Thrones season 7 finale (Helen Sloan/HBO)

(Photo by Courtesy of HBO)

 Bran didn’t know about Rhaegar and Lyanna’s marriage and called Jon a bastard of another name, “Sand.” Thank goodness for Sam dropping Gilly’s intelligence — not giving credit where due, son — and then, the bomb is dropped: Jon is the true heir to the Iron Throne.

2. Will the Army of the Dead head straight for Winterfell or stop off to annihilate the traitorous Karstark or Umber houses, and will it take them another 7 years to get there?

Army of the Dead, Game of Thrones, season 7, episode 7 (Courtesy of HBO)

(Photo by Courtesy of HBO)

OK, so the Army of the Dead broke through the Wall with a power play by Ice Dragon Viserion — who everyone seems to think is breathing blue flame, though a powerful stream of ice (icy fire?) would likely also bring down the Wall with enough pressure. Anyway, the Army of the Dead is pouring into Westeros, and there are tons of wee Northern settlements for them to conquer, as well as a couple of Northern Houses, including the Karstarks and the Umbers, depending on the direction they take. Or are they heading straight for Sansa, Arya, and Bran? The latter should know and will hopefully get his House mobilized for a Mother of Dragons airlift out of there.

3. Are Tormund Giantsbane and Beric Dondarrion still up on the Wall or did they come crashing down with it?

Tormund and Beric Game of Thrones, season 7, episode 7 (Courtesy of HBO)

(Photo by Courtesy of HBO)

Tormund and Ser Beric were still alive, having escaped to a part of the Wall that didn’t come crashing down — at least, we think so. We like to imagine they’ll lead the resistance from the flank position, harrying the Army of the Dead all the way to Winterfell.

4. Is Jaime going to keep his word and join up with his brother Tyrion and the Dragon Queen? And where’s Bronn?

Game of Thrones (Courtesy of HBO)

How could Jaime have left King’s Landing without Bronn? Surely he’s off to keep his word and help defeat the Army of the Dead with his brother and Daenerys, but Bronn will never get his castle out of Cersei. That will not ever happen, and Jaime should know it. A Lannister always pays his debts? Jaime owes Ser Bronn several times over.

5. Cleganebowl didn’t happen, so what’s up with the Hound telling ZomMountain, “You know who’s coming for you — you’ve always known”? Will Cleganebowl ever happen or is someone else going to bring down the Mountain?

The Hound and the Mountain, Game of Thrones, season 7, episode 7 (Macall B. Polay/HBO)

So if the Hound can see visions in the flames, we wonder if he saw something in the fire that burned him as a child. Maybe that’s why the Mountain pushed his brother’s face into the flames: There’s nothing like someone randomly telling you how you’ll die to inspire a little rage. Would be cool if that’s how the Hound’s story started.

6. Was Cersei lying about her pregnancy, and did Jaime just become an absentee father? Or was Cersei just making a power play?

Cersei Lannister in Game of Thrones, season 7, episode 7 (Helen Sloan/HBO)

(Photo by Helen Sloan/HBO)

Cersei. Seriously, if you haven’t learned by now, don’t trust that bitch.

7. Speaking of incest babies, after Sunday’s bedsheet battle between aunt and nephew, was Jon’s dragonpit conversation with Dany a foreshadowing of Targaryen brood to come?

Game of Thrones (Courtesy of HBO)

(Photo by Courtesy of HBO)

The idea is both gross and adorable at the same time. So conflicted!

8. Who will land on the Iron Throne?

Game of Thrones (Courtesy of HBO)

(Photo by Courtesy of HBO)

The ultimate question. Season 8 will answer this for us, and because this is Game of Thrones, the answer could even be the most horrific possibility of all: the Night King. Next up in GoT sequels: The battle for Essos?

Bonus question: When will Game of Thrones season 8 return?!

Prince Rhaegar, High Septon Maynard, Lyanna Stark in Game of Thrones, season 7, episode 7 (Helen Sloan/HBO)

(Photo by Helen Sloan/HBO)

It hasn’t been announced yet. Season 8 will premiere sometime in 2018 or even 2019.

Have questions of your own? Tell us in the comments or visit our Debate of Thrones Facebook group to talk about the finale with some fellow fans.

Game of thrones season 7 finale gallery prompt (Courtesy of HBO)