There’s a lot to look out for in Doctor Strange: the birth of a new hero, the immersive psychedelia, and a charming murderous sentient cape — or as Benedict Cumberbatch told us, “A cloak, you damn plebs!” (We may have embellished the quote there.)
Whether you call it “cape,” “cloak,” or “blanket tied around your neck with an oversized safety pin,” if it drapes down your back, it was up for consideration in our gallery of the the 8 best and 4 worst capes from the mystical realm of movie and TV!
BEST: Spawn’s cape (Spawn)
Up until Stephen Strange usurped the title (the arrogant bastard), Spawn had the most expensive useful CG cape in all of moviedom.
WORST: Syndrome’s folly (The Incredibles)
Honestly, all of the “worst” entries in this gallery could’ve been filled by Incredibles’ unwitting volunteers. No capes!!
BEST: Liberace’s cape (Behind the Candleabra)
They don’t call him Mr. Showmanship for nothing!
BEST: Spartan standard issue (300)
Gosh, these capes don’t leave much to the imagination, do they fun boys?
WORST: Homer’s muumuu ensemble (The Simpsons)
Perhaps sometimes only a cape can fully register the indignation you feel when your employee disability scam doesn’t let you watch Honk If You’re Horny in peace.
BEST: Dem batwings (Batman Returns)
After rebuking Catwoman, Bats beats a hasty gliding retreat back to bachelorhood.
BEST: Harry’s Christmas present (Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone)
But for permanent unseen power, turn to the one-of-a-kind, utterly unique, never replicated (or as Ron puts it: “really rare”) Cloak of Invisibility.
WORST: Larry David being Larry David (Seinfeld)
Elaine: “Why a cape? Who wears a cape? Where do you even get a cape?”
Jerry: “You’re right. It is strange. In fact, let’s cross to the other side of the street.”
WORST: Lydia’s bullfighting cape (Talk To Her)
A coma is a long time to think about why you brought a piece of cloth to a bull fight.
BEST: Dr. Orpheus’ cape (The Venture Bros.)
Dr. O (VB‘s parody of Doctor Strange) grants his cape temporarily invisibility to bypass compound security measures.
BEST: Wonder Woman’s saavy wardrobe choice (Wonder Woman)
Lynda Carter adds a star-spangled pirouette to fighting crime!
BEST: Thor’s usually reliable garb (Thor series)