X-Files 2 Plot Details Leaked?

The little green men hit the Web.

by | December 3, 2007 | Comments

It won’t hit theaters until July, and is being shrouded in all the secrecy you’d expect, but no matter — X-Files 2 plot details are leaking anyway.

Cinematical, picking up on a story from Moviehole, reports that some “heavily spoilerific details on at least the first half hour” of the sequel have surfaced. We won’t go into them here, obviously; suffice it to say that they’re unusual — unusual enough that Cinematical‘s Christopher Campbell believes the leaks actually amount to one of the movie’s subplots.

Intrigued yet? There’s more. According to Moviehole, the list of new faces in the film includes characters named Doctor Donarra, Agent Winlock, Samantha Pitney, and Robert Coe. Click on the links below to get all the details!

Source: Cinematical
Source: Moviehole