Video Exclusive: Ricky Gervais Collects his Certified Fresh Award

Watch the funnyman's hilarious speech for Ghost Town's gong!

by | November 4, 2008 | Comments


As you may have seen, with our recent stories about a TV spinoff for The Man from the Pru and a new outing for the Extras, Ricky Gervais recently stopped by the Rotten Tomatoes London office for a bit of a chat. The purpose of his visit, though, was to collect his Certified Fresh Award for Ghost Town, which sits at an impressive 84% after more than 140 reviews. Now, in glorious videovision, you can enjoy his hilarious acceptance speech.

For those who aren’t quite so inclined to enjoy a spot of video, here’s what Ricky had to say about the award.

Ricky Gervais:
Thank you for this Rotten Tomatoes award. It sounds bad but it’s actually a good thing because on the scale of fresh to rotten I was 85% fresh. It’s a good result; it’s a wonderful result, so I thank the wonderful website Rotten Tomatoes for this award. This will take pride of place on my awards shelf. Well, the Emmys are obviously… Emmys and Golden Globes will take pride of place but this will be… well, just past the BAFTAs. It will definitely be in front of the British Comedy Awards. Slightly better plastic… Thank you so much, go and see Ghost Town. You have? What did you think? I’ll tell you what you thought — you thought it was 85% excellent. Thank you Rotten Tomatoes.
Image Gallery for Ghost Town

Ghost Town
Ghost Town

Ghost Town
Ghost Town

Ghost Town
Ghost Town

Ghost Town
Ghost Town

Ghost Town
Ghost Town

Ghost Town
Ghost Town

Ghost Town
Ghost Town

Ghost Town
Ghost Town

Ghost Town is in cinemas now. For more on Ricky Gervais, check out his official website. RT’s full interview with Gervais will be on the site soon.