"V for Vendetta," a tale of rebellion in futuristic England, is currently Fresh with a Tomatometer of 60 percent. With five reviews, this is the first Tomatometer score for the hotly anticipated film, which stars Natalie Portman.
The scribes say "Vendetta" is visually exciting, and has some of the same philisophical and political underpinnings as the "Matrix" movies. But some say the movie lacks a strong narrative pull.
The film, produced and written by Larry and Andy Wachowski (of "The Matrix" fame) is directed by James McTeigue. The film was adapted from the comic by Alan Moore, and is slated for release on St. Patrick’s Day — March 17, 2006.
For more on "V for Vendetta," check out the trailers and clips, the 50 photos, and the flipbook.