
The 5 Most Anticipated Movies Opening in April

Big surprise: Everyone wants to see Avengers: Endgame and Shazam!, but another superhero and a couple of horror flicks also got some love.

by | April 2, 2019 | Comments

We generally consider the month of May to be the beginning of the Summer blockbuster movie season, but April is increasingly becoming prime territory for big releases. Last April, for example, we had flashy hits like A Quiet Place and Rampage, not to mention Avengers: Infinity War. This year continues that trend, with three — that’s right, three — superhero movies cracking the top 5 most anticipated movies of the month, with a couple of horror films mixed in. Read on for the full list.

1. Avengers: Endgame (2019) 94%

12,386 Want-to-See Votes
#1 pick by our Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter fans
Opens April 26

If you didn’t expect to see Avengers: Endgame at the top spot here — and by a mile — then you clearly haven’t been paying attention to movie trends over the past several years. Marvel has essentially been building the hype machine for this movie for 11 years over the course of 21 films, so the anticipation is well-earned. It topped every one of our metrics for this article, and it will likely make truckloads of cash at the box office.

2. Shazam! (2019) 90%

8,476 Want-to-See Votes
#2 pick by our Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter fans
Opens April 5

Before Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, and the rest of the Avengers get around to whoopin’ Thanos, we’ll get Warner Bros.’ latest entry in their own growing DC Comics universe, Shazam!, which has already been Certified Fresh, thanks to critics who are comparing the movie to a superhero version of Big. Word is that the movie is fun, funny, and refreshingly earnest, and it’s being lauded as another step in the right direction for DC and WB. Shazam! came in right behind Endgame at #2 in every one of our metrics.

3a. Hellboy (2019) 17%

780 Want-to-See Votes
#3 pick by our Facebook and Instagram fans, #4 pick by our Twitter fans
Opens April 12

It was a bit of a toss-up after Endgame and Shazam!, and two films ultimately tied for third. The first is Neil Marshall’s Hellboy reboot, which stars Stranger Things‘ David Harbour as the titular hero. This one doesn’t benefit from the involvement of fan-favorite Guillermo del Toro, who previously directed two films based on Hellboy, but the character has a strong fanbase, and the movie does have an R rating to play around with, so it’s understandable why anticipation for it may be a bit more muted but cautiously optimistic.

3b.  Pet Sematary (2019) 57%

801 Want-to-See Votes
#3 pick by our Twitter fans, #4 pick by our Facebook and Instagram fans
Opens April 5

The second film to come in third is another reboot — or is it a remake? Or a reinterpretation, maybe? Based on the Stephen King novel of the same name, Kevin Kölsch and Dennis Widmyer’s new horror film already premiered at South by Southwest, closing out the festival with rock solid reviews. The 1989 film is something of a cult classic to many, and adaptations of Stephen King properties are all the rage these days, but it’s been reported that Kölsch and Widmyer take some interesting liberties with the story, so again, fans are equally curious and suspicious.

5. The Curse of La Llorona (2019) 26%

132 Want-to-See Votes
#5 pick by our Facebook and Instagram fans
Opens on April 19

Finishing up the list, we have another horror film, which was the only movie to earn two fifth-place slots in our social media polling — and it only just barely overcame the competition to earn those slots. There clearly isn’t as much interest in The Curse of La Llorona as there is for the movies higher up on this list, but enough of you responded to let us know that you’re eager to see how it turns out. It does help that James Wan’s name is attached as producer, but reviews out of SXSW haven’t been too kind, so it may not make much of a mark leading into Endgame, which opens the week after it.

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