RT-UK Exclusive: Send Us Your Questions for Neil Gaiman | Rotten Tomatoes

RT-UK Exclusive: Send Us Your Questions for Neil Gaiman

by | June 1, 2007 | 0 Comments

The Sandman, Stardust, Anansi Boys, American Gods, the list goes on. They’re all the work of the fascinatingly twisted mind of author Neil Gaiman and Rotten Tomatoes UK is getting ready to have dinner with him – and we want your questions!

Regular readers will remember that a month ago Rotten Tomatoes spent two hours with Kevin Smith and posted the resulting conversation over five massive parts to launch a feature we call Dinner and the Movies. Smith took us to dinner, we talked movies. There have been more fascinating titles, we grant you, but we keep it real here at RT-UK.

With that incredibly awesome experience as a template, we’re making a semi-regular thing of Dinner and the Movies. The rules are simple: There’s no agenda and nothing is off limits – we’ll talk about any and everything under the sun.

So imagine our thrill when we learned that author Neil Gaiman was keen to head to a Bar and Grill for some RT-UK grilling. We’re chatting with him on Monday and we want you guys to tell us what you want to know. We’ll select the best, funniest, most interesting, most insightful, most outlandish questions and put them to him.

You’ll have to hurry, we need all questions in by 10AM GMT on Monday 4th June (that’s next Monday, date fans), but since you have the whole weekend to show us how perfectly more qualified you are than us at this interviewing lark, we’ll expect you to come up with some good stuff. Don’t worry, you don’t need to be based in the UK to put your questions forward.

There’s also no limit to the number of questions you can ask, but since we’re keen to give as many people a shot as possible we’d ask you arrange your questions in the order you’d like them asked, with the most important ones at the top.

Use the comment thread on this story to send us your questions!