Oliver Stone Gets Fined for Old Cuba Visit

by | December 13, 2006 | Comments

Filmmaker Oliver Stone apparently broke a few federal embargoes a few years back … and now he’s paying for it! (Gotta be careful when dealing with Cuba, people!)

From Miami News Times: "According to a tersely-worded Department of Treasury document released Dec. 1, the IXTLAN Corp. of Santa Monica, Ca. — Stone’s production company — will pay $6,322.20 to "resolve allegations of violations of the Cuban embargo." The violations occurred between Feb. 2002 and May 2003."

(Wow, 6 grand? Think Stone can handle that kind of fine?)

Apparently the rule that Stone & Co. broke was … actually traveling to Cuba! I’m not exactly sure I have the facts straight, but it seems that journalists can visit Cuba … whereas filmmakers can’t?? Click here for the rest of the article at the Miami New Times. Maybe you can fill in the blanks for me.