Michael Bay Talks Transformers Sequel, IMAX Cut

Prepare to behold Megan Fox in all her IMAX glory.

by | September 19, 2007 | Comments

Hoping for a Transformers 2? According to Michael Bay, it’ll either happen right away…or not for quite awhile.

In a post on his official message board — helpfully excerpted by the folks at SuperHeroHype — Bay talks up the imminent IMAX cut of Transformers (“Freakin’ AWESOME…I added some extra scenes”), then pauses to comment on the possibility of a sequel. From the post:

“‘Transformers 2’, well that’s another story. Iching [sic] to work pre-strike (June) so I might jump ship and come back a year or so later cause people at the studio have been dragging for two months. Not sure why. I’ll keep you informed.”

Whether you loved or hated Transformers — which hits IMAX screens this Friday — we find it hard to believe that anyone honestly thinks a sequel is truly necessary, so maybe a delay will give everyone involved enough time to find another project worth pumping $150 million into. But we sort of doubt it.

Source: SuperHeroHype.com