Marvel Shopping Live-Action Doctor Strange Feature?

We're still waiting for a Howard the Duck remake.

by | August 16, 2007 | Comments

Do you like superhero movies? We hope so — and so does Marvel — because if you don’t, this next item is going to give you stomach pains. According to IESB, the flood of film adaptations for Marvel heroes continues unabated, and the studio’s next project will supposedly be a live-action Doctor Strange feature.

The character has been around since the early ’60s, and though he has never been one of the Marvel Universe’s cornerstone titles, he has periodically played an important role in some of the company’s major crossover story arcs — as befitting the man known as the “Sorcerer Supreme,” pretty much any time a major mystic threat rears its head, Stephen Vincent Strange is the go-to guy for the forces of good.

Literally almost nothing is known about the project, other than that it’s in development, and that Marvel is looking for a director; the IESB report even goes so far as to say the script is “rumored to be written by an unnamed writer.”
