Laurence Fishburne Will Voice "Surfer," Not Galactus

by | April 19, 2007 | Comments

Our sources got one wrong last week. Well, they got it half-right: Laurence Fishburne will indeed be voicing a character in "Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer," but it won’t be the one belonging to Galactus…

Nope, Mr. Fishburne will be voicing the Silver Surfer himself. Early assumption was that actor Doug Jones would be providing the guy’s voice, but apparently the producers are going for something a bit more … intimidating. Recent reports indicate that the Galactus character might not talk at all!

"Hey, you hear about Fishburne?"

So how’s this news go down with the "Fantastic Four" fanatics? Does Fishburne "fit" the cult character well enough?

Source: Variety