Indiana Jones and the Russians at Area 51?

by | May 21, 2007 | Comments

A few new "Indiana Jones 4" tidbits are hitting the ‘net lately, and most of ’em are pretty juicy indeed. seems to be the exclusive outlet for the latest "Indy" scoops, and here’s what they’ve been able to tell us:

1. Shia LaBeouf will be playing a ’50s-style "greaser" kid, not unlike … Fonzie? Only probably not as cool!

2. The opening scene will take place at the legendary "Area 51" and it’s there that Dr. Jones will kick some Russian villain butt.

3. Apparently Indy and his son spend some adventure time together before they even realize they’re related.

Interesting. Obviously some of these things may be altered or removed during the course of production, but the CHUD guys seem pretty confident with their sources in this case. If so, I’ve officially read all I want to read about "Indiana Jones 4" — which looks like it might actually be called "Indiana Jones and the City of Gods."
