Critics Consensus

In the Heart of the Sea Is a Stale Whale Tale

Plus, The Big Short is wickedly funny, and Transparent is Certified Fresh.

by | December 10, 2015 | Comments

This week at the movies, we’ve got just one wide release: Ron Howard‘s In the Heart of the Sea, starring Chris Hemsworth and Brendan Gleeson in a true story of disaster and survival on the open seas. What do the critics have to say?

In the Heart of the Sea (2015) 42%

The epic saga of the whaling ship Essex inspired Herman Melville to write Moby-Dick. Unfortunately, critics say In the Heart of the Sea is unlikely to join that masterwork in the pantheon of maritime fiction; while the film is visually impressive, its narrative drifts aimlessly. While in the South Pacific, the Essex was attacked by a sperm whale, destroying the ship and stranding its crew in the middle of the ocean without food or water. The pundits say In the Heart of the Sea has moments of visceral excitement, but ultimately it lacks three-dimensional characters and urgency in its storytelling.


What’s Hot on TV

Transparent: Season 2 98%

Transparent‘s second season ups its dramatic stakes while retaining the poignancy and humor that have made the series such a consistently entertaining example of the best that modern serial drama has to offer.

A Very Murray Christmas (2015) 68%

A Very Murray Christmas preaches effectively to the converted with a parade of superstar guests and hummable songs that — combined with the host’s trademark presence — adds up to a unique holiday experience.

Telenovela: Season 1 64%

Featuring a likable cast led by a charming Eva LongoriaTelenovela provides entertainingly predictable laughs.

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