Hugh Jackman: "Wolverine" Prequel Script is "Fantastic"

by | October 16, 2006 | Comments

According to producer-star Hugh Jackman, David Benioff’s script for "X-Men" spinoff "Wolverine" is good to go, and great to boot.

Jackman, whose magician flick "The Prestige" opens this week, talked to about "Wolverine," which is still in pre-production and scheduled for release in 2008:

"We’re a year away from shooting the film and we have the script," Jackman said. "And, by the way, it is unbelievable. It’s a David Benioff script. He’s probably the hottest writer going around town, and he was beating down our door to write this movie. It was the most amazing thing. So, we have this fantastic script. I’ve got a couple of movies coming out in the next month, and I might be able to tell you who the director is by then. We’re seriously into talking about it now."

"Wolverine" will be a prequel exploring the origin of Jackman’s mutant "X-Men" character; plot is likely to involve Wolverine’s history with the Weapon X program and his future nemesis, Sabertooth. Other characters rumored to be involved are Juggernaut, the Silver Samurai, and Lady Deathstrike.

Benioff previously wrote the screenplays for "The 25th Hour" and "Troy," and is co-writing the script for Wolfgang Peterson‘s "Ender’s Game."