Grab a Few Cool Glimpses of the "Pirates 2" Set

by | October 25, 2005 | Comments

Andrew Weil of was lucky enough to poke around the "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest" set, and he came back with a healthy dose of plot droplets, early make-up work, and just enough info to keep us salivating for the flick’s debut next summer.

"According to Production Designer Heinrichs, "The Dutchman is the most elaborate (ship). We are almost done building it. (It’s) elaborately sculpted; it’s not a floating barge." Knoll said, "The Flying Dutchman is going to be CG for wide shots cause its going to do some stuff we can’t do with models." Knoll then describes the Kraken; a sea monster that will be featured twice in the film. "It’s half squid, half octopus. (It’s) just really big and it attacks the ship." Knoll also mentioned scenes taking place on "Cannibal Island."

The next set scene on the tour was the Port Royal prison that was featured in the first film. It is a newly constructed set, but the set was given the same look as the first. There are stone walls and iron doors, exactly like the original set. Also, the key-ring dog will return."

Highly anticipated follow-up to the resoundingly successful "Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl," "Dead Man’s Chest" features the return of Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom, Keira Knightley, director Gore Verbinski, and screenwriters Ted Elliott & Terry Rossio. It sails into theaters on July 7th, 2006.

Check out the report for more info.