Friday Harvest: Iron Man 2 trailer, Robin Hood trailer and more!

The best pictures, posters, and videos of the week!

by | March 12, 2010 | Comments

Happy Friday Harvest, a weekly round-up of the
best pictures, posters, and videos that have become available for
viewing/download on Rotten Tomatoes. Each section features the favorite or most
interesting item we’ve
added for the week, along with several other new highlights. Enjoy!


Picture Gallery of the Week:

82nd Annual Academy Awards

Just cause the Oscars are over doesn’t mean we’re going to stop milking
it for all its worth. So here it is, your one last chance to browse hot
women in ridiculous dresses.
Browse the gallery.

More New Pictures


White Stripes

Doc of rock
Tron Legacy
New pics
Iron Man 2
Pics and posters
The Runaways


Poster of the Week:

Prince of Persia

After sitting on a bunch of character posters for the last half year,
Disney has finally put out the final poster for Prince of Persia. …And
it’s pretty much a composite of all the character posters.
View the poster.

More New Posters

Tron Legacy
Banner ad

Toy Story 3
Another poster!
Diary of a Wimpy Kid
Kid flick
Date Night
Of course
Please Give
Indie com


Video of the Week:

Robin Hood trailer

Lots of excellent videos this week. Any of the ones listed here could’ve
been Video of the Week, really. Especially the Eclipse trailer.
Watch the video.

More New Videos

Tron Legacy


Legend of the Guardians

From Zack Snyder

Twilight Saga: Eclipse

First look

Iron Man 2

New trailer

Want to keep up to date on ALL the pictures, posters, and videos that are added to Rotten Tomatoes throughout the week? Then check out the
Trailers & Pictures page,
which is automatically updated as material is uploaded.