Friday Harvest: Boondock Saints II, Toy Story 3, and more!

This week's best pictures, posters, and video!

by | October 9, 2009 | Comments

Happy Friday Harvest, a weekly round-up of the
best pictures, posters, and videos that have become available for
viewing/download on Rotten Tomatoes. Each section features the favorite or most
interesting item we’ve
added for the week, along with several other new highlights. Enjoy!


Picture Gallery of the Week:
The Boondock
Saints II: All Saint’s Day

The only thing more amazing that this movie got made is that it got made
so quickly and quietly. Considering writer/director Troy Duffy’s
well-publicized volatile nature, I would’ve pegged this production as
fraught with controversy, scrutiny, and meltdowns. But, it’s complete, and
it’s in theaters at the end of this month.
Browse the gallery.

More New Pictures

Vampy pics
New images take flight
Everybody’s Fine
De Niro/Beckinsale vehicle

Law-Abiding Citizen

Final batch of pics


Poster of the Week:

Toy Story 3

You should be seeing these posters in theaters now. After a Toy Story
trailer was attached to Disney’s successful Toy Story/Toy Story 2
in 3D run, the Disney marketing campaign has been uncorked for its most
anticipated sequel in decades. Browse the
Toy Story 3 gallery
for more posters and artwork.

More New Posters

Get Low
Robert Duvall drama

The Hole
From Joe Dante!
Saint John of Las

Sinful art
Boondock Saints II

Final poster

Extraterrestrial animation


Video(s) of the Week:

Where the Wild Things Are clips

Only one more week. Only one more week of you having to read me yammer
about Where the Wild Things Are clearly being cinema’s finest

Browse the video gallery
for just-uploaded clips and the rest of our
collection of trailers and featurettes we’ve been cobbling together.

More New Videos



Couples Retreat

Clips and interviews

The Crazies


An Education

Many clips

Want to keep up to date on ALL the pictures, posters, and videos that are added to Rotten Tomatoes throughout the week? Then check out the
Trailers & Pictures page,
which is automatically updated as material is uploaded.