Fox & Marvel Drop "Zoom" Suit

by | August 17, 2005 | Comments

Not long ago we learned of a pending lawsuit by Fox against Sony regarding the alleged similarities between Sony’s "Zoom" and Fox’s "X-Men 3." But, according to The Hollywood Reporter, both sides have come to a mutually beneficial understanding, and the lawsuit has been dropped.

"Zoom" will now be released in August, as opposed to a few weeks prior to "X-Men 3," which was the original plan.

"Fox declined comment beyond saying the dispute had been resolved amicably. "Zoom" now is moving to an August date, though a source at Revolution would not say that was a condition for Fox’s withdrawing the suit, instead saying it was dictated by the fact Warner Bros. Pictures announced a May 12 release date for "Poseidon," forcing "Zoom" to move to a less-heavily populated August date."