Ernest Dickerson to Direct "Dracula" Sequel

by | May 16, 2007 | Comments

An "officially sanctioned" sequel to Bram Stoker‘s "Dracula" is about to hit the bookshelves … and the movie screens.

"The Un-Dead" is the name of the book co-authored by Dacre Stoker, great grand-nephew to Bram Stoker. Apparently the Stoker estate fully endorses the "25 years later" sequel concept, which will incorporate some material that was cut from the classic original. (Apparently the new subplots have something to do with Jack the Ripper and "Bloody Countess" Elizabeth Bathory.)

The movie version will come from director Ernest Dickerson, whose previous horror flicks include "Demon Knight" and "Bones." Co-author Ian Holt will adapt the screenplay, and the production is scheduled to begin later this year.

Source: Variety