Eli Roth Announces a Whole Movie of Trailers

by | May 15, 2007 | Comments

The fake trailers in "Grindhouse" were such a favorite that Eli Roth got the idea to make an entire movie of nothing but trailers. He is beginning the script of a film that will not only consist entirely of fake trailers, but tell a coherent story too.

"I’m going to be doing a movie at some point I’m going to start writing called ‘Trailer Trash’ which is going to be all fake trailers like ‘Thanksgiving,’" said Roth. "Just nonstop. I want to make a movie like ‘Jackass‘ or ‘Borat‘ or ‘Kentucky Fried Movie‘ that’s just totally ridiculous, absurd and silly. And I have a plot that could actually make sense and just be total fun for 90 minutes. I have a great way to do it. I have a genius way to do it and the movie’s going to be really sophomoric and absurd and unbelievably violent."

Roth is a horror icon so far, but he’s going to branch out into other genres with these trailers. "All genres, everything. All genres, all eras."

Roth on the set of his upcoming "Hostel: Part II."

With "Grindhouse" paving the way for such a project, Roth plans to include his colleagues in ‘Trailer Trash.’ "Quentin and Robert, those guys will be involved." Whether they will help Roth direct any of the trailers remains to be decided. "I don’t know. We’ll see. I think Robert. Quentin I think is off doing his war epic [‘Inglorious Bastards’] but I’ve talked to Robert about it."