Early & Enthusiastic Reaction to Pixar's "Ratatouille"

by | November 22, 2006 | Comments

Apparently an AICN reader called The Chemist got to see Pixar’s "Ratatouille" about eight months early — and he loved it. Better than "The Incredibles" is what the guy’s raving. Yeah, right.

From AICN: "The plot seems simple, but like any Brad Bird flick, it has a ton of heart and humor. Much of the action scenes were storyboards and gray-scale, but still promised to be dazzling when complete. The humor moments were hilarious and had the audience rolling. The voice acting was fantastic, with no recognizable A-list Hollywood stars to distract you from the characters, no singing in the edit that we saw either. The music was completely forgettable as it was just filler at this point I suspect. During the movie Lasseter would scribble down notes at various points.

Anyway, I cant wait to see the finished movie. Personally I liked it better than The Incredibles, the rough cut we saw tonight was right up there with Finding Nemo, my personal Pixar favorite.

Still in awe,

The Chemist"

Click here for the rest of the authentic and unquestionable enthusiasm.