David Fincher Making Heavy Metal

Eugene Levy available for voicework.

by | March 17, 2008 | Comments

1981’s Heavy Metal is a cult classic. Its 2000 sequel? Not so much — but that isn’t keeping Paramount and David Fincher from planning a third film based on the sci-fi/fantasy magazine.

Variety reports that Fincher is spearheading work on a new Heavy Metal movie, “stamped by the erotic and violent storylines and images” that readers of the magazine have come to know and love since it debuted on American shores several decades ago. According to the report, the new film will bundle the work of “eight or nine” directors, each of whom will be responsible for his own animated segment. From the article:

Fincher will direct one of the segments; Kevin Eastman, the “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” co-creator who is now owner and publisher of Heavy Metal, will direct another. So will Tim Miller, whose Blur Studios will handle the animation for what is being conceived as an R-rated, adult-themed feature.

The new Metal comes on the heels of Fincher’s recently wrapped The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, which stars Brad Pitt and Cate Blanchett and will debut December 19. According to Variety, the director is also “attached to direct Paramount’s adaptation of the Charles Burns graphic novel ‘Black Hole’ and is also developing Torso and The Killer for the studio.”

Source: Variety