Carrey & Schumacher to Team Up for "23"?

by | September 22, 2005 | Comments

Variety reports that actor Jim Carrey and filmmaker Joel Schumacher are close to teaming up on New Line’s dramatic thriller entitled "The Number 23."

"Carrey will play a man who becomes obsessed and haunted upon reading a book that seems to be about his life but ends with a murder. The number 23 is woven throughout the plot.

Project re-emerged this year, and Carrey and Schumacher each had time in their schedules to make it their next assignment. Schumacher expected to be in production on "The Crowded Room" at New Regency; instead, the fact-based film about a man with 24 different personalities has been undergoing a significant rewrite by Lem Dobbs. He won’t turn in his script until late this fall."

"The Number 23" was scripted by Fernley Phillips.