Aaron Eckhart Joining "Dark Knight" Cast as Two-Face

by | February 15, 2007 | Comments

Heath Ledger is alone no more in wreaking havoc in Gotham City: according to The Hollywood Reporter, Aaron Eckhart is in final negotiations to play Two-Face in the upcoming "Batman Begins" sequel, "The Dark Knight."

Batman Historology majors are well familiar with Two Face, one of the DC universe’s most famous villains. For people who haven’t kept up, Aaron Eckhart will be portraying Harvey Dent, a Gotham City DA who gets disfigured by acid and goes insane, rechristening himself as Two-Face.

Eckhart in "The Black Dahlia"

Aaron Eckhart has been critically lauded in recent times for his role in "Thank You For Smoking." And in 1995, Tommy Lee Jones played Two-Face in 1995’s zany "Batman Forever."

"The Dark Knight" will be out in theaters July 18, 2008.