RT on DVD: Sam Raimi Drags Us To Hell...

...as do the Wayan brothers; plus, the Family Guy return to a Galaxy Far, Far Away

by | December 25, 2009 | Comments


Drag Me to Hell

The very best horror movies are those that can have you squeezing your eyes shut in terror and jumping out of your seat one minute and giggling hysterically the next. It is hardly surprising that this scary, camp gem is one such movie given that it was created by the master. Sam Raimi (Spider Man, A Simple Plan), the man who brought us the Evil Dead franchise, has gone back to his roots and schlock horror — it is bloody brilliant.

Christine (Alison Lohman), a loan officer desperate for a promotion, makes a tough decision by denying an elderly woman an extension on her mortgage payment. That elderly woman turns out to be a vengeful horror who retaliates with a curse that promises three days of excruciating torture before being dragged to hell to burn for all eternity.

Frenetic and gruesome, with buckets of bodily fluids and gallows humour alike, this twisted morality tale may not be your traditional Christmas fare but it sure as hell will be a crowd pleaser.

For the best special features, make sure you pick up the two-disc version which has a great collection from the production diaries. These making-of featurettes give an insight into the special effect magic behind the gruesome tricks Drag Me to Hell has up its sleeve.


Dance Flick

The Wayan brothers (Scary Movie) are back on the parody band-wagon and this time they are flinging not-so-metaphorical excrement at High School Musical, Fame, Footloose, Flashdance, Bring It On and Little Miss Sunshine, amongst others. Even Twilight gets a poke.

It’s not big and it’s not clever but there are a few scenes that will cause involuntarily snorting and explosive laughter. Do not feel guilty, I repeat, do not feel guilty. There is just something hilarious about pushing the barriers of good-taste this hard.

This is not for everyone but if you like, well… sexism, homophobia, fat jokes, racism and general offensiveness to all… you have found your ideal summer viewing!

Beside the dancing outtakes and deleted scenes, the special features boasts a featurette entitled Dance, Dance, Dance with the Wayans, Wayans, Wayans!


Family Guy: Something, Something, Something Darkside

Family Guy presents the next episode in their satire of the Star Wars saga when they take on Episode V — The Empire Strikes Back.

This movie is genuinely hilarious. You will get more out of it if you are a fan of the films and the television show, but even to the uninitiated, there are plenty of laughs in this animate retelling.

Chris is Skywalker in a deathly battle with Stewie (Vader). Peter (Solo) and Lois (Princess Leia) are also on hand to take on the dark Imperial forces. Chris’ boss Carl is a particular favourite as Yoda.

The DVD and Blu-ray both have spoils of special features including a table read and audio commentaries. There will also be DVD and Blu-ray gift packs released just in the nick-of-time for Christmas with trading cards and an exclusive t-shirt.