The Toy Story franchise is one of the most beloved animated film series of all time, spawning iconic, immediately recognizable characters that became household names for families all over the world. Now, more than 25 years after the first film premiered, one of the franchise’s most legendary character’s backstory will be revealed in one of the most anticipated films of the summer.
On June 17, Disney and Pixar’s Lightyear will launch only in theaters. This new film depicts the origin story of space ranger Buzz Lightyear, the man behind the toy who made “To infinity and beyond!” a pop culture catchphrase in the original Toy Story films. This is the film that Andy saw that made him want the Buzz Lightyear toy in the first Toy Story film! The story is a sci-fi adventure that follows Buzz, voiced by Chris Evans, as he and his spacefaring crew crash on a hostile planet millions of miles from Earth. While the heroes attempt to find a way home, they must also fend off the villainous Emperor Zurg.
To celebrate the opening of Lightyear, check out the Rotten Tomatoes show RT Countdown on Peacock, where host Naz Perez looks back at the most popular Pixar films, including beloved classics and even some unexpected under-the-radar picks.
Lightyear opens only in theaters on June 17, 2022.